Your brain is protected by meninges, a cerebrospinal fluid, and a thick bone called the skull. For instance, the cerebrospinal fluid functions as a shock absorber. Even if the brain is naturally safeguarded, it is still susceptible to traumatic injuries that can cause issues like a concussion. Seek Atlanta concussion treatment immediately if you have severe and long-lasting symptoms. Remember, sometimes, symptoms that exist for several weeks can improve gradually. Below are four things to know about a concussion.
1. Symptoms of a concussion
Mild concussions are not usually life-threatening. But, it can also point to a serious developing issue. You will require medical attention if your symptoms include headaches, seizures, passing out, difficulty waking up, and slow speech.
You will lose consciousness for a few seconds or minutes. You get knocked out because an injury disrupts blood flow to your brain. Once the normal blood flow to the brain resumes, you will regain consciousness.
You can also suffer from seizures because physical trauma shakes your brain. When the brain shakes, the neurons cause a sudden and disorganized burst of activities in neurotransmitters. As a result, there is a disruption of communication between neurons.
2. Diagnosis of concussions
Even when your doctor knows you have concussion symptoms, you will still need comprehensive examination and testing. Diagnostic tests can help establish if your brain is functioning normally or if its tiny structures are affected.
There are several tests your doctor can perform. For instance, Videonystagmography (VG) is a diagnostic system that helps your doctor measure involuntary eye movement.
Your eye movement can be slow, fast, or jerky. The nature of eye movement can help your doctor understand if you have a balance problem due to a concussion.
3. Factors putting you at risk of a concussion
A traumatic injury can bruise the brain and damage its nerves and blood vessels. Blood is supplied to your brain by two pairs of large arteries called the vertebral arteries and carotid arteries.
You can injure your brain and get concussed when you fall. You can also injure your brain through playing contact sports, in a car accident, or if struck with a blunt object on the head. If you have a history of concussions, they can appear again.
4. Treatments for concussions
After examining and testing you, your doctor will recommend hospitalization for a few days or be allowed to recover at home. You will need a break from your daily activities after a concussion to get enough rest. Resting helps prevent further straining of the brain that can cause another concussion. During resting, someone should monitor your symptoms.
Your health provider can also subject you to Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). The treatment provides pure oxygen for breathing in a controlled environment. More oxygen supply to the brain can help prevent cell death, initiate tissue healing, and revive normal blood flow.
Safeguard yourself from concussion by wearing protective headgear or helmet when playing contact sports or engaging in activities like cycling. Wear a headgear that properly fits and is proven effective in providing utmost head protection against injury.
Contact Spine Center Atlanta today to schedule an appointment with a concussion specialist.