It can seem like a long time between embryo transfer and when you can take a test for pregnancy.
You can feel anxious and stressed about everything from checking your panties for implantation bleeding, to poking your breasts to check their tenderness, to wondering if there is a possible pregnancy test.
Although some symptoms can be indicative of a successful procedure they could also be due to fertility drugs or other medications that you are taking to become pregnant.
This is because estrogen and progesterone, which are commonly taken prior to embryo transfer, and the progesterone after the transfer mimic the symptoms of bloating, sore breasts and discharge during pregnancy.
Many people are still vigilant about any signs that indicate successful embryo transfer. While you might not experience all of these symptoms at once, it is important to understand their role in the embryo transfer process.
1. Bleeding and spotting
A sign that you are pregnant is usually light bleeding or spotting.
If you notice the embryo in your underwear, or on your toilet paper after using it, this could be an indication that the embryo has been implanted.
Mukherjee believes that some bleeding or spotting a week after embryo transfers may be a sign. He says that bleeding is a worrying sign and does not provide any reassurance to many people.
Spotting can also occur when you are taking hormone medication like progesterone for the 2 weeks following embryo transfer.
Your doctor will likely recommend that you continue to take progesterone. This is because your body produces the same amount of hormones during pregnancy as it did in the beginning weeks. Spotting can be a sign of successful embryo transfer.
2. Cramping
Cramping can be a sign that Aunt Flow is near. This could also indicate that embryo transfer was successful.
According to the National Infertility Association, mild cramping could also be caused by progesterone taken during the 2-week wait.
Mild cramping may also be experienced by some after a pelvic procedure.
3. Sore breasts
Sore breasts are a sign of pregnancy for some.
A positive embryo transfer could indicate a swelling or tenderness in your breasts.
However, sore breasts may also be caused by the hormone medication that you took during the 2-week waiting period. Breast tenderness can also be caused by oral and injectable progesterone.
4. Tiredness and fatigue
From day one to delivery, feeling tired and fatigued is a common part of pregnancy. However, you might feel more sleepy when your progesterone levels rise early in pregnancy.
Most people feel tired around the time their period is due. This could be an indication of a successful embryo transfer. However, it could also be a side effect from the fertility drugs you are taking.
Fatigue is most commonly caused by elevated progesterone levels. This can be either due to pregnancy or medication prescribed by your doctor.
5. Nausea
Morning sickness or nausea usually starts in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is not something you will notice until the embryo transfer.
Many people who experience this fearful symptom feel sick about two weeks after missing a period.
If you experience nausea or vomiting within the 2-week period, be sure to take note and speak with your doctor.
6. Bloating
The extra bloat can be attributed to a higher level of progesterone. This hormone can cause a rapid increase in your digestive system, which can lead to bloating.
If you are pregnant or taking progesterone or other drugs during in vitro fertilization, and after embryo transfer, this can occur before your period.
7. Changes in discharge
You may notice changes in your vaginal discharge if your doctor prescribes progesterone vaginally (suppositories or gels, or vaginal tablet) for use over the 2 week wait. This is not a sign of a positive pregnancy test.
Vaginal capsules and suppositories can cause side effects such as burning, itching, drainage, and yeast infections.
A rise in vaginal fluid can be a sign that you are pregnant. You may notice a light, thin, and mild-smelling vaginal discharge if your embryo transfer was successful.
8. More frequent peeing
Early pregnancy could indicate frequent late-night trips to the toilet and a greater need for more pit stops.
Some people notice an increased need to urinate before their period. This is a common symptom that you will notice after your period has ended.
Frequent trips to the toilet are caused by an increase in the pregnancy hormone, hCG, and a rise in progesterone. The increased peeing frequency after embryo transfer is successful is due to the increase in blood.
An increased frequency of urination may also indicate a problem with your urinary tract. If you experience any of these symptoms, please consult your doctor.
- Urination pains
- Urgency to pee
- Bleeding
- Fièvre
- nausea and vomiting
9. Periods missed
If your period is regular, a missed period could indicate pregnancy. If you can count on your period happening at the same time every month, it might be time to test for pregnancy.
10. There are no symptoms
Don’t be discouraged if you find that none of the above apply to your situation. The embryo transfer was successful even if you don’t experience any of these symptoms.
A positive pregnancy test is the only way to be certain if your embryo transfer was successful.
When is it appropriate to have a pregnancy test?
We understand that you want to see those lines or the plus sign. You risk disappointment if you test too soon following an embryo transfer.
It is best to wait until your period has passed before you take the test. This will ensure the best results.
It’s not easy to be patient, let’s face it. If you are eager to test your new device, please wait at least 10 business days after it is transferred.
After embryo transfer, the embryo will grow in size and metabolic activity. This will allow it to produce more hCG so that it can be detected reliably 9-10 days later. Your clinic will most likely schedule an hCG blood testing around this time.
The two-week wait following embryo transfer can be stressful, emotional, and exhausting.
A positive pregnancy test is the only way to know if you are pregnant.