Do Men losing interest in Sex? Usually it is understood that woman have less interest in sex than men, but now the whole concept is getting changed, due to the busy and stressful life men are losing interest in having sex. The latest study reveled that every one couple in five is having this problem.
It is now getting common in every fifth couple, this is because economy is making men more to provide for their families and running for the necessities creating stress on men which in result losing sex intention.
Stress is the main factor which makes human in losing sex intention and for men the major factor of losing this intention is the Cash and monetary safety. If a man guaranteed with his career than libido will be start rising up.
Some expert provided few guidelines for the women if their husband’s libido is on downward trend, these are as follows;
Keep Talking
If your husband looks not in mood for the sex due to his work related stress, don’t be personal! When a man talks about his emotions, it can actually make him feel even more stressed out. Tell him lovingly that he can reach out to you about how he’s feeling, but not until he feels ready. Just make it clear that what’s important to you is that you stay close physically – even if sex is off the table at the moment.
Say No!
In my experience, when a couple hasn’t had sex for a while, it puts a lot of pressure on them to have it… and the longer a couple doesn’t have sex, the bigger that pressure becomes. Try banning sex for a whole month. This way, you can get close to each other by being intimate in so many other wonderful ways, without one of you feeling there’s an ulterior motive. You’ll stay close during this difficult time, and because of all the extra intimacy, when you do have sex, it is certain to become even more meaningful!
Keep in Touch
Research have suggested that massage increases dopamine and serotonin, making brain ‘feel-good’, and it reduces the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Do give your partner an all-over body massage twice a week! Not only can this be a highly sensual experience, it will also help him relax both physically and emotionally…. taking him one step closer to feeling his sexy self again!