Most people desire to have children at some point, but several fertility disorders may interfere with this beautiful dream. In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer allows you to experience all the steps of becoming a parent from conception to childbirth. If you have challenges conceiving, you may need to consider embryo transfer Newport Beach at OC Fertility.
When to consider embryo transfer
An embryo transfer is the final step of In vitro fertilization (IVF). Before IVF, your provider administers fertility medications to promote the release of viable eggs. The team then harvests these eggs from your ovaries, fertilizes them in the lab, and then transfers them to your uterus for implantation. IVF is a fertilization treatment you may need to consider if you have been experiencing trouble with natural fertilization.
Your doctor may recommend embryo transfer if you have premature ovarian failure, endometriosis, ovulation disorders, genetic disorders, or uterine fibroids. Although the procedure doesn’t involve natural fertilization, it allows you to experience the joy of carrying your baby in your uterus and holding it at the end of your gestation period. Same-sex couples and single men can also benefit from IVF with the assistance of a surrogate. The OC Fertility team performs a thorough physical exam before suggesting embryo transfer.
How your provider decides on the embryo to transfer
After fertilization, your provider may recommend undergoing a genetic screening of the embryos to identify which ones are viable. The results determine the embryo to be transferred. If you are not supporting genetic testing, you and your provider can decide how many embryos to place in your uterus. This decision relies on your prior reproductive history, age, and length of fertility. If several embryos are viable after fertilization, your provider may freeze some for future use.
How experts perform an embryo transfer
The embryo transfer procedure involves inserting a speculum into your vagina to keep its walls open. Your physician utilizes ultrasound to pass the catheter into your womb, where the embryos are transferred. You may not need sedatives for this procedure as it is usually pain-free. You may develop mild discomfort due to having a speculum inserted into your vagina. Embry transfer is a short procedure that means you won’t have to endure the discomfort for too long and can empty your bladder immediately after.
What to expect after embryo transfer
The OC Fertility team may request you to lie down for about an hour after the procedure before going home. You may also need to watch your physical activity for the rest of the day. You are free to embark on your daily activities, such as walking around and working but avoid heavy bouncing of your uterus until you have a pregnancy test. Uterus-bouncing sex, water skiing, and jogging are some high-impact activities you should avoid until you confirm that you are pregnant. After 9-11 days after your fertility treatment, you can go for a blood test to determine if you are pregnant.
Call the OC Fertility office to learn about embryo transfer, or use the online booking button to schedule an appointment.