Alternative medicine also known as CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) is really a good alternative for many people who are seeking some relief from their ailments. There are many systems of alternative medicines. Some of the alternative systems of medicines are aroma therapy, music therapy, herbal medicine, acupressure, ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic medicine, acupuncture, dance therapy, hydrotherapy, meditation, hypnosis, naturopathy, unani, yoga, hypnosis etc. to name a few of them. In United states alone it was found in one study by Eisenberg, that approximately $30 billion is spent in the year 1997 in alternative medicines by the Americans. And it must be much more at present. In United States 30 to 86% of the population use CAM (complementary and alternative medicine). In a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study, American adults revealed that in 2002 36% had used one or more modalities, with spiritual approaches, herbal medicine, chiropractic, and massage being the most prevalent.
Sound oasis sound therapy system is designed for maximum therapeutic benefits of music therapy. It features clinically proven music from renowned doctors all over the world. Sound oasis sound therapy system is available with in-built “sound card” technology which allows the user of the system to listen to 12 types of sound themes by simply inserting a memory card.
The sound oasis sound therapy system uses the clinically proven sounds (music) developed by internationally acclaimed sound therapists and music and health experts. The oasis sound therapy system also has natural sounds(Ocean Surf, Gentle Rain, Stream, White Noise, Forest and Thunderstorm) that are recorded in the nature by the world’s foremost nature recorder.