Your kidney plays a crucial role in the excretion of waste from your body. Notably, the kidney comprises the nephrons, which filter out the toxins and excess water from the blood. After the filtration, the waste products from the blood combine with the excess water to form urine which finds its way out through the urinary system. Sometimes your kidneys may develop nephrotic syndrome, a condition that disrupts the usual balancing of the fluid level in the body. The build-up of fluid in the lower parts of the body eventually causes Weston swollen legs, which can hamper your mobility. Here are tips that can help you to reduce swelling in your leg.
Use the compression sock
It would be best to consider investing in compression socks whenever you suspect swollen leg symptoms. The compression socks and stockings offer a slight squeeze on your legs, boosting blood circulation. Proper blood circulation reduces fluid accumulation in the feet, thus minimizing pain and inflammation. The compression stockings are readily available in many stores, and thus you will not have difficulties getting the ones that suit you.
Maintain a healthy weight
The excessive weight usually exerts excessive pressure on the veins along the legs, thus blocking the smooth flow of blood. Therefore, you should seek a weight loss program to maintain a healthy weight. The weight loss program is more than what you eat. It requires a positive attitude and perseverance along the journey of cutting down the extra pound from your body.
Some occupations necessitating individuals to sit for too long can expose them to swelling legs. For example, if you work at the office desk, you may end up positioning your legs in the dependent posture, increasing the build-up of fluid in the ankle. In such cases, you can reduce the chances of swelling by elevating your legs. This technique applies gravity to enhance the proper flow of blood to your heart. It would help if you also took a break from sitting for too long.
Engage in regular exercises
Physical exercises are vital in maintaining the overall wellness of the body. Engage in the exercises that work best for you. To reduce the severity of swelling in your legs, participate in cycling and walking to boost fluid circulation in the legs. These exercises increase the blood flow from the tissues back to the vessels. However, it would be best if you avoided the workouts that may cause excessive strain on your swollen ankle.
Eat a healthy diet
Always observe whatever you eat in terms of the composition of each meal. Refrain from the meal with high sodium content to reduce swelling in your leg. Substitute the highly processed meals with vegetables and fruits, which are ideal for reducing inflammation and fluid retention rate in the body.
Millions of people are experiencing kidney dysfunction, which usually triggers the swelling legs due to fluid build-up in the body’s lower parts. This condition is devastating since it can hinder the mobility of the victims. Therefore, if you suffer from swollen legs, you should not go along with that condition further. At Soffer Health Institute, Ariel Soffer, MD, FACC, and his team of certified cardiologists diagnose the causes of swollen legs and offer the appropriate remedies. Schedule a consultation online and visit their office to receive quality services.