Strawberry gives a lot of advantage for our beauty and health starting from hair to top toe such as:
Burn fat Faster
A cup of strawberry gives 136 % AKG vitamin C which is 15 % much more than orange. This vitamin helps to reduce fat accumulation toxin from body inside through lymph. Besides, some experts in Arizona State university, Tempe, find that vitamin C helps body to synthesize carnitine kind if substance fastening fat burning process up to 25 %.
Reduce Dark Spot from Sun Light Radiation
A study in Japan finds that consuming strawberry regularly to reduce dark spot caused by sun light radiation and stain up to 50 % in four weeks. Strawberry contains elegiac acid pressing output of body melamine, skin pigment produced normally as body respond toward sun light radiation. The amount of manganese fastens skin regeneration process which is able to reduce any kinds of scar and spot.
Free Pain
You may consume some amount of strawberry is better to reduce headache than consuming aspirin without irritation and bad side effect. Anthocyanins containing in berry may slow prostaglandins releasing, inflammatory substance making skin more sensitive.
White Tooth
Although strawberry has sweet taste, it is able to increase body immunity system to prevent dentist cavity up to 33 %, as stated by experts in Umea University, Swede. Strawberry contains high xylitol, anti-microbe alcohol fighting bacteria S as mutant causing dental cavity and whiten your tooth.
How to Select Strawberry
Sometimes, you get confused how to select strawberry. You can select organic strawberry and smaller strawberry as suggested by Myra Goodman in the book Food to Live By. Bigger conventional strawberry usually contains higher residue of pesticide toxin, so that it changes the taste.