If your doctor makes certain observations and feels you are affected by allergies, you will be urged to get an allergy test. Typically, your immune system will react and respond to allergens when you exhibit moderate symptoms such as an itchy rash or severe symptoms such as airway obstruction, necessitating emergency care. An allergy test is necessary to help identify problem areas and avoid future allergens that harm your health. Fortunately, these five types of allergy testing are available at the leading Kingwood allergy testing clinics to help you uncover your allergic reactions.
Prick Allergy Testing
When a doctor suspects you have seasonal, stinging insect, environmental, medicine, or food allergies, he or she will do a skin prick and intradermal test. During any of the tests, your doctor will apply the suspected allergen to your skin and check for allergic reaction symptoms after about 15 minutes. The testing is aided with a pricking device, and your doctor will apply the allergen to your skin with a little needle.
Intradermal Test
An intradermal test resembles a skin prick test. The only difference is that your doctor will inject an allergen solution directly into your skin. The benefit of these tests is that even weaker allergic reactions can be detected in your skin. An intradermal test is mainly recommended in circumstances where a skin test does not reveal sufficient evidence about your allergic reaction.
Blood Testing
The majority of allergy tests are performed on the skin. However blood testing is also available. When a patient refuses to quit using antihistamines or other medications that cause skin scratching, his or her doctor will request a blood test. When your skin develops rashes or lesions that could interfere with skin testing, you may be subjected to blood testing for allergies. To examine a possible allergy from your blood sample, the doctor may employ the RAST or lgE test.
Patch Allergy Testing
When you develop contact dermatitis, you will almost certainly be subjected to Patch Allergy testing. This test is indicated to help determine the underlying causes of your difficulties, such as wearing certain metal jewelry or using specific skincare products. Your doctor will likely recommend that you wear a patch containing the suspected chemical for 48 hours. Following that, your doctor will assess the potential indicators of contact dermatitis.
Challenge Tests
A challenge test will be required to identify whether your allergy reaction is caused by food or medicines. During the test, your doctor will administer a greater dose of the food or substance that you are allergic to. Following each treatment, you will be observed to assess any allergic reaction. There may be some hazards associated with this test. As a result, your doctor will be with you the entire time.
Allergies can be excruciatingly painful, and they can occur after inhaling, eating, or injecting. Accurate allergy testing will assist your doctor in determining which medication to prescribe to help prevent skin reactions and other complications impacting your body. The treatment plan will include strategies for managing your symptoms and preventing more serious reactions. To begin your allergy treatment, please visit or phone Supreme All Care Health & Wellness for a consultation.