The rules to lose weight without any effort but in a natural way.
As every year with the arrival of spring came the various miracle diets or not to submit them to lose a few pounds accumulated during the long winter. Often we make the trivial mistakes during our diets, which not only does not help us lose weight but they can even make us fat. Here are five simple rules to follow to lose weight a few pounds.
First rule
Remember to never skip a meal, do not eat does not help us lose weight even our body reacts to the lack of food by slowing down the metabolism, are five meals ideal to do during the day.
Second rule
Remember to chew for a long time in this way, not only it will taste better foods but will also be more digestible.
Third rule
Do not delete them from our diet milk and dairy products, according to recent research these foods promote weight loss, as its elements help to burn fat.
Fourth Rule
Let us remember the importance to hiring at least a liter and a half of water a day, which helps our body to depurarci especially in women and water is a good ally against cellulite.
Fifth Rule
Another simple and effective rule to follow if you want to lose a few extra pounds is associated with the diet is also a good dose of sleep, sleep regulates the hormonal balance through a positive impact on satiety and the feeling of hunger